Free time is getting harder and harder to come by in all of our lives. We all think that this weekend “I’ll work in the yard.” The best of intentions don’t always work out. If we do find the time to work in the yard, are we properly equipped to treat the weeds that we can’t even tell you the name of, the little brown spot that keeps growing, or the dry area that we know gets plenty of water? You get the picture.
If you are reading this blog, more than likely you have let your yard get beyond the weekend choir. Now you are looking at spending a substantial amount of money on replacing your lawn with new sod.
Now is the time to consider starting fresh with a good reliable lawn professional on your new sod. Let someone else that is trained to deal with whatever issue is upon your grass or that knows how to prevent that brown spot or dry area.
Unless your weekends, your hobby and your free time are best spent working in the yard instead of enjoying the yard. Hire a professional! Give us a call at the farm and we are happy to refer you to the right company for your area and your yard.