How Higher Humidity Can Affect Your New Sod

94577205 sIf you’re a long-time Florida resident, the summer’s heat and humidity aren’t a surprise. But most people aren’t aware of how this humidity affects nature, and that includes your grass. If you’re planting new sod during this time of year, it is important to understand how humidity will affect your new sod and what you can do to help keep it healthy as roots develop.

Humidity Causes Disease

Even in a well-established lawn, humidity and heat can be a breeding ground for fungal disease. New sod is especially susceptible because it does not have established roots. There isn’t really anything you can do about the level of humidity in the Tampa area, but there are some things you can do to try to protect your grass.

Protecting Your New Sod from Disease

You can protect your new sod from disease in a few different ways. First, remove large tree branches or other unnecessary landscaping elements. This will allow more air flow to get to the grass. This air flow keeps the grass drier, which prevents the formation of fungal diseases. You should also avoid extra watering of your sod during this time of year.

Installing Fresh Sod in the Height of Summer

Mid-summer is not the ideal time to establish a new lawn. But for some homeowners or commercial property owners, timelines may not allow you to wait. Installing fresh sod in the heat and humidity of summer can be done, but it should be done by a professional experienced in installing sod in any season.

If you have concerns about humidity affecting your new fresh sod, contact us today for  more information. We can help you decide the best time to plant your sod, and we can take measures to ensure it grows into a lush, healthy lawn.