Need Help Choosing The Right Sod?

Empire Zoysia
By far our customers favorite sod, Empire turf is known for its drought tolerance, chinch bug resistance, slow growing nature and fine blade texture. If you are looking for a beautiful sod for the Tampa and Sarasota areas that can truly withstand less water than traditional grasses, look no further.
Drought Tolerance
Empire’s unique ability to go dormant allows the sod to manage through drought or freezing temperatures without permanently damaging the sod. During these times the sod may lose its color but once water is applied and warmer temperatures are reached Empire will return to its beautiful lush dark green color. In comparison, a St. Augustine yard may hold its color longer into a drought or freeze, but once it turns brown it will most likely not survive the extreme conditions.
Chinch Bug Resistance
While no grass is impervious to insects, Empire unlike most St. Augustine’s, is resistant to chinch bugs. This will reduce the amount of chemicals you will need to care for your yard.
Slow Grower
If you’re like most of us you would rather be out enjoying your yard rather than being a slave to it. With Empire you can go longer between mowings than most typical Florida grasses. Depending on the growing season you’ll mow every 7-14 days instead of 5-7 days with most other turf grass.
Finer Textured Grass Blade
People tell us all the time, “I don’t want that crabgrass looking grass in my yard” referring to St. Augustine. Empire Zoysia offers a soft to the touch finer feel, more like the cool season grasses found to the north. Empire is a finer bladed grass, yet not too fine for the traditional lawn mower. This is a grass that your kids, your grandkids, maybe even you can really roll around on!
Moderate Shade Tolerance
Another advantage to Empire is its adaptability to moderate shade. Rated less shade tolerant than some of the St. Augustine’s it can take more shade than your typical Floratam St Augustine or Bermuda varieties.
Empire – The Proven Zoysia For Florida
You may find other varieties of zoysia grass out there but be careful. While some of them will grow fine, many varieties have been found to have disease issues. Empire has proven over time to be a good zoysia choice for the Florida climate.
While no grass is perfect, Empire is close! Join the green home builders across Florida and make your yard a green outdoor oasis with Empire Turf!
FAQ: Zoysia Sod Maintenance
Yes, Zoysia is known for its durability and can withstand moderate to heavy foot traffic, making it ideal for lawns and recreational areas.
Zoysia sod has moderate shade tolerance, performing well in areas with partial shade, but it thrives best in full sun.
Newly installed Zoysia sod should be watered daily for the first two weeks to establish deep roots, then gradually reduce the frequency.
Zoysia prefers well-drained soils and can adapt to a variety of soil types, but sandy soils may require more frequent watering.
The best time to install Zoysia sod is during the late spring to early summer when the grass is actively growing.
Regular dethatching and aeration can help control thatch buildup and promote healthy growth in Zoysia sod.
Zoysia has a natural resistance to many common lawn pests, but regular inspection and treatment are recommended to manage any infestations.
Zoysia is highly drought-tolerant once established, requiring less water than many other grass types.
- Zoysia should be mowed to a height of 1-2 inches, maintaining a consistent mowing schedule to keep the grass healthy.
Fertilize Zoysia sod 2-3 times per year, avoiding fertilization in the winter months, and focusing on balanced fertilizers and avoiding excessive nitrogen to prevent disease.