Sod Vs. Hydroseed

The up-and-comer in the grass world is hydroseed, and it’s making a big splash. Many are shouting from the rooftops about the cost-effective, chemically engineered, saving grace of lawns everywhere. While the fad grows, sod stays true to its roots.

Risk Analysis

With any seeding operation the risk lies in whether the seeds actually take root. If your property isn’t suited for seeding due to severe inclines or inclement flooding, attempting to lay the hydroseeds down can be costly. A heavy rain can wash away your entire investment and leave you starting from scratch. Sod can withstand inches of rain immediately after install and is a much safer investment. The costs are higher, but hydroseed is a corner you may not want to cut.


Let’s face it. Sod is beautiful. Once the foundation is laid, you will have a seamless lawn in a matter of weeks. The satisfaction of having a lush and usable lawn is something much harder to come by when using hydroseed. Many people who use hydroseed do so to cover a large area cheaply. If you’re not looking to cover acres and acres, sod is a safe and beautiful bet for your lawn. You can take pride and comfort in knowing you got the best for your family.

The Environment

Sod is eco-friendly compared to the litany of chemicals involved in the slurry concoction associated with hydroseeding. Hydroseeds are capable of sprouting and rooting much faster compared to traditional seeding thanks to modern agricultural sciences, but this comes at a price. In additions, more fertilizers and water are required to ensure proper growth when installing hydroseeds. With sod, you can treat it like a normal lawn shortly after installation.

The choice is simple. Why settle for less when you can get the best? Sod professionals will ensure that your investment is well worth it.