What are the Benefits of Sod?

Sod Reduces Heat

On a scorching summer day, a lawn will be about 30 deg cooler than concrete or stone, and 15 deg cooler than plain soil. The front lawn of a house can have a significant cooling effect, and it can be a lot more pleasant for your children to play out on a fresh lawn than another type of surface that is a lot hotter. Grass also absorbs a lot of carbon dioxide and recycles it as fresh oxygen for your children to breathe. Plus, grass looks healthier, cleaner, and greener, and it is more inviting as a place to gather, relax, play, and have a good time.

Why Should You Get Sod?

Sodding is the simplest and easiest way to get a lawn, bar none. With the right care, a newly sodded lawn can be used in as little as three weeks. A basic-sized yard can be put in a couple of hours at a fair price. Sod is very easy to work, and it can be used in as little as three weeks. Sod can be installed whenever the ground isn’t frozen. Sod uses less water than seed, and seeds are harder to work with because they can take two to three weeks to germinate.

Sod Increases The Value Of Your Home

A nicely manicured and landscaped house will add between 15% and 20% to the value of your home. Clean, soft, and healthy grass is an excellent playing surface for small children, pets, and even older adults who want to toss the football around or barbecue. There is just nothing better than grass for an outdoor surface that the whole family will love.

If you’re thinking about foregoing sod in favor of something else, think about how this will impact your children growing up.