Important Irrigation Tips for the Rainy Season

Fresh Sod water water water scaled e1588528974770The Florida rainy season is a long one, and a lot of homeowners have questions about how they should be watering their lawns. You want to avoid drought-related problems, but you also don’t want to overwater your grass.

Overwatering sod can actually kill it, and quickly. Oversaturation allowed to sit in humidity instead of drying smothers the grass, floods its roots, washes away needed nutrients from the soil, and more. The health of your lawn requires that you be very careful about how often you water. Here are some great tips.

Water in the morning.

If you water in the morning, you have the entire day of sunshine to help the excess water evaporate.

Water just enough.

Most types of grass require between ¼ and ½ inch of water twice per week. If you aren’t sure how much water your grass needs, we can guide you. Don’t know what type of grass you have? We can help with that, too.

Most weeks you may not need to water at all.

If the rains are going pretty much nonstop, you really shouldn’t add any additional water to your lawn. But if the rains stop for a week, you’ll need to adjust to make sure your grass is still getting enough moisture in the high summer heat. 

Make it easy on yourself and automate your sprinklers.

It is very easy to find and install automated sprinklers for your lawn’s irrigation system. These sprinklers have sensors that tell the system when the water is dry enough to need watered. Some of them sync with your smartphone to allow you to make real time decisions based on real time data from literally anywhere.

Want more watering tips or need to replace sod that become oversaturated and diseased? Contact us today for more information.