Why You Should Skip A Week of Irrigation This Winter

You Should Skip A Week of Irrigation This Winter

You Should Skip A Week of Irrigation This Winter

You work hard to make sure your lawn looks great all year long, but did you know that grass doesn’t need as much water in the winter months? According to researchers at the University of Florida, most grasses only need a half-inch to three-quarters of an inch of water every 10 to 14 days during the winter. That’s almost half of what they recommend for summertime watering. This is why many cities and localities have implemented Skip-A-Week initiatives in January and February to encourage property owners to water their lawns less during cold weather.

Why should you consider participating in a Skip-A-Week program this year? There are more benefits than you think! Skipping a week of lawn watering during the winter:

Saves Money

It’s a no-brainer. Watering your lawn less lowers water bills and could even cut your electricity consumption depending on how you irrigate. With inflation skyrocketing and necessities becoming more expensive by the day, who could say no to lower bills??

Conserves Water

Water shortages are an issue all over the country, and Florida is no exception. The Natural Resources Defense Council predicts that Florida will be one of 13 states that will face extreme water shortages by 2050 if strict measures are not put in place immediately. Skipping a week of lawn irrigation during the winter months can save billions of gallons of water each year. It’s an easy way to do your part for the environment.

Prevents Pests, Weeds, and Disease

Overwatering your lawn leaves it soggy and susceptible to all kinds of problems. Pests like grubs and beetle larvae love damp soil, as do crabgrass, bluegrass, nutsedge, and several other weeds that compete with your grass for resources.

Fairy ring, gray leaf spot, and dollar spot are all fungi that love to proliferate in wet soil and can quickly take over your entire yard. Once they take hold, you could be forced to completely remove your current lawn and replace it with fresh sod.

Skip A Week of Watering Your Tampa Bay Lawn This Month

Here at Council Growers Sod, we consider ourselves stewards of the lands we are proud to farm, and we strongly encourage everyone to practice conservation whenever possible. Skipping a week of lawn watering is easy, saves you money, and keeps your lawn healthy. What’s there to think about? 

Call us at (813) 633-8665 or contact us online to find out more about water and soil conservation techniques we use on our farms, then place your order for the highest-quality, freshest sod in Tampa Bay to be delivered right to your door!