Seasonal Sod Water Guide

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Seasonal Sod Water Guide

Seasonal Sod Water Guide

Did you know that your sod has varying water requirements for optimal health throughout the year? Pairing that with Tampa’s local watering restrictions, and knowing how much and when to water your lawn can get very confusing. Well, no worries… we’re here to help you sort things out and ensure your sod looks its best all year round!

Know Your Watering Days and Times

The first thing you need to find out is which days you are allowed to water your lawn. Tampa has strict regulations on the days and times that lawn irrigation is allowed, and not following the rules can lead to a hefty fine.

In the City of Tampa, lawn watering is NOT allowed from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., year-round.

Why does it matter when you water your lawn? Well, there’s a couple of reasons:

  1. More water is wasted when you water your lawn mid-day since the sun evaporates it before it is absorbed into the ground, leading to dry and dehydrated grass.
  2. Watering your lawn in the middle of the day can actually scorch your grass since the water will magnify the sun’s rays, causing brown spots and root death!

Use our handy chart, adapted from the City of Tampa’s Water Department resources, to figure out which days you should be setting your sprinklers:

If your address number ends in:Your watering days are:
0-3Mondays & Thursdays
4-6Tuesdays & Fridays
7-9Wednesdays & Saturdays
Locations without an address or mixed-use buildings (i.e. offices, shopping centers)Wednesdays & Saturdays

Watering schedule restrictions also apply to those using well water. However, properties using reclaimed water are exempt from these requirements.

Setting Up Your Watering System

We highly recommend setting up an automatic, timer-controlled sprinkler system to keep your lawn uniformly watered throughout the year. Modern sprinkler systems can be set to automatically change with the seasons and even adjust for daylight savings time! If you’re not sure how to position the sprinkler heads around your yard, consult with a professional for assistance.

Your recommended watering durations will vary depending on the type of sprinkler system you install. For example, fixed spray head systems require less time than rotor head systems.

Sod Watering Guidelines During Winter

Now that you know which days and times you are permitted to water your lawn, it’s time to talk about how much you should be watering. Exact watering durations will vary depending on your sprinkler system, but these general guidelines should keep most any sod variety happy during the winter months:

Fixed Spray Head System: 0-10 minutes

Rotor Head System: 0-20 minutes

As the temperature warms up, you’ll need to increase the amount of water you’re giving your grass. Always remember to only water your lawn for the duration that your sod needs, as overwatering is just as bad as underwatering for your lawn’s health!

Premium Sod Available in Tampa Bay

No matter the season, Council Growers Sod will deliver our healthy and locally grown premium sod to your door. Central Florida provides the ideal conditions for sod establishment, so we’re here to serve your landscaping needs all year. Call us at (813) 633-8665 or visit for more information and to place your order today!